Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Day is Done

Dear Lucy,
So the "official" one year anniversary of Anne's death has come and it is 11:15 pm and nearly over. I spent most of the day with my friend Lynn catching up after my trip to SF, and then went to a bonfire put on by my friend Deb in honor of Anne.

Anne was a self-proclaimed pyro. She loved fire. Not that she ever set any maliciously or anything. But she and Deb were known to set some doozies.
The best was when she and Deb made one in the woods where Deb lived and forgot about the fact that their fire was directly under some rather low hanging tree branches. We prayed alot that night and thanked God the trees were not real dry.

Anne's big fantasy--well the one I can tell you about--was to grow a huge field of corn and set fire to it to make popcorn.
Our first house here in Washington had a wood burning stove that we used in the winter. When Anne stoked the fire she would put so much wood in that we would ultimately end up opening the door to cool the house off. I was sure she was going for nuclear fission or something.

I miss her in the deepest part of my soul. I ache to hear her laugh again. My skin misses her touch and my heart hurts for her love.

It has been one year. And I still don't know how to live without her.


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